Tips for Choosing the Right Data Center Infrastructure Management Tools

data center infrastructureAs data centers are being built in record numbers to support and maintain the ever crucial ethereal ‘cloud’, an increasing emphasis is placed on their design to ensure they are operationally efficient using less and less power. In order to save money and reserve local resources, data center owners look to install more efficient equipment and powerful software to manage their increased energy and storage needs. To achieve this goal choosing the right Data Center Infrastructure Management tools are essential.

Cooling and Power
The power density of a data center is 100 times more than that of a large commercial office building and is equivalent to 9 small sized shopping malls of Wal-Mart size. Data center infrastructure is expensive, more complicated than a traditional commercial building and at times can be fragile. Power allocation and distribution units (as well as other infrastructure) coupled with a cooling system accounts for the majority of the energy supply used by a data center.

There is so much electricity consumed before you are even able to set up servers that operating a profitable data center involves very small margins for error. So, how can you prevent losing money on electricity costs?

Data Center Infrastructure Management Software (DCIM)
To keep a data center operating efficiently data center managers and operators use DCIM. A class of software that gives users the ability to efficiently run all data center operations. This includes:

  • Improving uptime
  • Optimize plan and designs
  • Realtime monitoring and alerts
  • Increase staff productivity
  • Improve workflow management
  • Quickly configure and patch software

DCIM software is crucial for tracking profitability and potential system errors. It keeps watch over your energy consumption, external environmental conditions, temperature levels, mechanical health, and many other systems relevant factors. Not only does this provide you a real-life analysis of your true cost of operation, but it gives you a glimpse of the inner health of your IT equipment, letting you know when it is time to further optimize or upgrade your current technology.

Due to the extreme cost of operation, the slim financial margins for profitability, and the wear and tear servers and other IT equipment go through, having a monitored DCIM software solution in place is absolutely necessary for any well-run data center. Compu Dynamics is quite simply the best and most experienced data center services provider in the Mid-Atlantic Region. If you are in need of data center design and monitoring services, contact us today for professional guidance and full-service management solutions.

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